--for moviescript set the keydownscript to "checkKeys" --put this in on the moviescript on checkKeys -- example 1 if the key = RETURN or the key = ENTER then searchTitle dontpassevent else pass end on searchTitle cursor 4 puppetSound (1) "pioolb" global gTB mSetCriteria(gTB, "appname", "Contains", field "searchFld") mSelect(gTB) set n = mSelectCount(gTB) if (n <> 0) then put n into field "NumberFound" put mGetField(gTB, "appname") into field "appname" put mGetField(gTB, "Contact") into field "contact" put mGetField(gTB, "highs") into field "highs" put mGetField(gTB, "lows") into field "lows" put mGetField(gTB, "BottomLine") into field "BottomLine" put mGetField(gTB, "Rating") into field "Rating" put mGetField(gTB, "AlphSortKey") into field "AlphSortKey" else alert "No matching items were found." end if showselection() go to "db2" cursor -1 end searchTitle -- for search window on keyDown checkKeys end --for db2 on keydown cursor 4 global gAlpha case (the key) of "A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z": set i = (the key) --This will change the char to uppercase if it is lowercase if ( i >= "a" and i <= "z") then set i = numToChar (charToNum(i) -32) end if put i into field "alphakey" UpdateAlphaRT end case --THIS PART RESETS THE ARROWS case (i) of "A":set gAlpha to 1 "B":set gAlpha to 2 "C":set gAlpha to 3 "D":set gAlpha to 4 "E":set gAlpha to 5 "F":set gAlpha to 6 "G":set gAlpha to 7 "H":set gAlpha to 8 "I":set gAlpha to 9 "J":set gAlpha to 10 "K":set gAlpha to 11 "L":set gAlpha to 12 "M":set gAlpha to 13 "N":set gAlpha to 14 "O":set gAlpha to 15 "P":set gAlpha to 16 "Q":set gAlpha to 17 "R":set gAlpha to 18 "S":set gAlpha to 19 "T":set gAlpha to 20 "U":set gAlpha to 21 "V":set gAlpha to 22 "W":set gAlpha to 23 "X":set gAlpha to 24 "Y":set gAlpha to 25 "Z":set gAlpha to 26 end case cursor -1 end on UpdateAlphaRT puppetSound (1) "pioolb" global gTB mSetCriteria(gTB, "AlphSortKey", "start", field "alphaKey") mSelect(gTB) set n = mSelectCount(gTB) if (n <> 0) then put n into field "NumberFound" put mGetField(gTB, "appname") into field "appname" put mGetField(gTB, "Contact") into field "contact" put mGetField(gTB, "highs") into field "highs" put mGetField(gTB, "lows") into field "lows" put mGetField(gTB, "BottomLine") into field "BottomLine" put mGetField(gTB, "Rating") into field "Ratings" put mGetField(gTB, "AlphSortKey") into field "AlphSortKey" put field "Ratings"&"%" into field "Rating" else CheckAlphaSearch end if showselection() end UpdateAlphaRT on CheckAlphaSearch global gAlpha set gAlpha=gAlpha+1 if gAlpha>26 then set gAlpha=1 put char gAlpha of field "alphaBet" into field "alphakey" UpdateAlphaRT end